"We're all
I'm mad.
m a d."

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Animal Farm

...is so sad!

At first I thought it was really amusing how the animals talked, and the pigs are the most intelligent... And also it's so similar to the ideology of 1984 with "Comrade" and the whole erasing/altering of the past.

But it's so tragic!
The whole time I was just so anxious because I knew it was going to become worse, it can't be all happy-utopia-ish like it was in the beginning! :(

Then I found out it was criticising the Stalin era prior to WWII, and that makes alot of sense, I guess. At first there's two main leaders, (pigs) Snowball and Napoleon, but then Napoleon says Snowball is a traitor and they begin turning more and more into humans and changing all the commandments they had at the beginning.

Back to anorexia books.
"Wasted" is really good.

Do you know any bands with 7 people, pop/rock genre, on tour right now? :D
If you have any guesses at all, please tell meeeee!!


  1. Cradle of Filth, Flogging Molly, Staind? Buck-O-Nine is the only one I know of on tour right now.

  2. Hmm... Thanks! :D
    I'm trying to figure out the mystery...!!
