"We're all
I'm mad.
m a d."

Monday, November 30, 2009

Rain & Radiohead

Today seems to drag on and on and all my classes seemed so long...............
But it was a good day, still.

In the afternoon, it started pouring and I stayed afterschool with no umbrella.
But after "dancing" in the rain for awhile, my friend lent me his.
And today's filled with nice things like that.
Like I let my friend borrow my MIKA cd {which is all broken and in terrible shape}, and he returned a brand new cd to me!!
I seriously thought he was a magician for a second 'cause the cd was so beautiful and not-broken!
But no, he went out and bought a NEW cd! Isn't that nice?
And also I got a Radiohead CD :D
Too bad I need to look up all the lyrics 'cause I have NO idea what Thom Yorke is singing...
It's funny 'cause AFTER you look up the lyrics, you're like, "Oh, that's so obvious, of course that's what he is singing!" Mental-set? Psychology terminology...
I really like the second song but I don't know what song it is 'cause there's no track listing!!!
I foresee a music binge......

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunshine, 2:40 pm

^My rainbow stripey sockssss

Thanksgiving break is so short... we should adopt a school system where we had a week of break every other week.

So I had to read some Hawthorne stuff for English, one of the essays being "The Birthmark." It's about this beautiful woman named Georginia who is almost perfect... except she has a tiny hand-shaped birthmark on her face. While some people find it attractive, her husband Aylmer resents it. Aylmer is a scientist and wants to remove the birthmark, so he works in his laboratory for days to produce a potion for her. And at the end [of course it's gonna be depressing], Georginia drinks the potion and her birthmark fades! You'd think, "Yay, all's well that ends well", right? Aylmer is absolutely estatic because he'd finally achieved this feat [and the potion is also like the Elixir of Immorality], but then Georginia dies because the birthmark is like... connecting her spirit to her almost-perfect body? And she dies at the end.

Yesterday my friends came over and we played Monopoly for about 3 hours straight. Too bad my friend started monopolising everything [I FINALLY understand why it's called Monopoly; you're supposed to buy all the properties and have a monopoly on the utilies, railroads, etc!!!] and owned a whole side of the board, complete with little hotels. Making us all go bankrupt, basically! But then Amy and I [aha, the Amy side of the board] formed an alliance to own an entire side too! And now I can't stop calling "Boardwalk" Broadway, 'cause my friend kept saying that... now that space is covered with glitter and pizazz!

Fun, fun.
First time ever this Thanksgiving, we all woke up at 4:30 am to go Black Friday shopping.
It's ridiculous[ly fun!].
Like you're driving when everything's dark and then you're so hyper 'cause you barely slept but it's so exciting anyways!

I finally found a box of brand-new crayons that I think I'll use to make rainbow crayon cupcakes or something :D

I really want to write something, or make something amazing but I have no ideas...
High School Diplomats applications are due JANUARY 7, and I have no ideas on what to draw for my collage!!!!!!
I feel like I've lost all my drawing skills, I only make doodles and stuff now...
Maybe I can make an altered book, like the Alice in Wonderland one.
I wish I was in Art 3.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Disregard this.

-start rant-

Why must some people be skinnier than others?
Why must some people have really slim upper bodies but curvier lower bodies?
Or vice versa (is "vice versa" Latin, by the way...?)
It's just so disproportional!
And anorexia videos are so so sad, especially combined with really moving music.
It can really make you cry.
Have you ever felt like you could just eat and eat and eat and you're not even hungry?
Like a music binge or chat binge, but instead it's a food binge?
You're just bored, or rummaging around your kitchen for anything, something, but there's nothing good to eat anyway.
And after you eat something salty, you have to counter-balance it with something sweet, to neutralise it, so you just end up eating more and it's a cycle and you start to wonder, "Well, what if I just threw up?"
But then the thought of sticking your fingers down your throat and puking seems too gross and revolting to actually do, and that would probably mark you as a bulimic, so you don't.
And then you heat up that disgusting Campbell's Condensed Soup with Spongebob Squarepants noodles in it, but you add too much water and then dump it down the drain, but place the dirty bowl in the sink so it would look like you ate it, but you really didn't.
So this post basically has alot of run-on sentences and bad grammar and whatnot, but who cares?
It's hard being a grammar&spelling Nazi.
So you're walking home from school, really determined that you're just going to WORK when you get home. On homework.
And so you do, but then you're supposed to be working on debate speeches and researching topics.
Instead, you go on Polyvore and make a whole bunch of secret sets and favourite everybody's stuff and also chat with people.
But finally you focus and manage to write a few outlines. Whew.
So after dinner, you call your best friend and you can talk about anything, and you start talking about pregnancy, and teen pregnancy and you feel so bad for those teen mums with a kid...
Put them up for adoption, keep it, or... -gasp- Shall I say abortion?
Of course not the latter, but your friend thinks so.
And adoption instead of having kids in the future because she doesn't want to pass her skin disease to her kids... that's probably for the best.
Somehow the conversation moves to how there are mice in your friend's house and how she hate mice, she wants to kill them all viciously.
And creepy Edgar Allan Poe stories, disappearing lineages, and incest.
"Do you realise that if everyone just adopted kids, your lineage/family would disppear?"
What if you're dying to see what's it's like to be an anoretic, even though you know everything about the disease and that it's really self-destructing?
What if you feel like your brain's going to explode with all the things you have to do?
What if you hate looking at yourself because you look weird...?
What if you're nervous about finally going back into debate and giving speeches in front of 20-30 people again?
What if your friend's boyfriend just gave her a dozen roses, and he's usually a really pessimistic, cynical guy? It's just so nauseatingly cute and then you want to pretend it never happened 'cause you can't imagine someone like that doing something so romantic and... nice.
What if you're really hoping for a special visit?
What if you see people hugging and holding hands and wish they'd realise how lucky they are that they're together, right there? Not separated by miles and miles or oceans? :p
What if you feel like you're leading a double life occasionally, with being happy at school but then so messed-up and having dangerous thoughts when you're alone? "Thoughtcrime IS death."
What if you sneaked the phone out of the house to call someone, but then you realise that your dad might be starting a telephone conference so you can't use the phone?
What if...............................................?

-end rant-

I want her hair.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Animal Farm

...is so sad!

At first I thought it was really amusing how the animals talked, and the pigs are the most intelligent... And also it's so similar to the ideology of 1984 with "Comrade" and the whole erasing/altering of the past.

But it's so tragic!
The whole time I was just so anxious because I knew it was going to become worse, it can't be all happy-utopia-ish like it was in the beginning! :(

Then I found out it was criticising the Stalin era prior to WWII, and that makes alot of sense, I guess. At first there's two main leaders, (pigs) Snowball and Napoleon, but then Napoleon says Snowball is a traitor and they begin turning more and more into humans and changing all the commandments they had at the beginning.

Back to anorexia books.
"Wasted" is really good.

Do you know any bands with 7 people, pop/rock genre, on tour right now? :D
If you have any guesses at all, please tell meeeee!!

Friday, November 13, 2009

I'm thinking about you, in my secret language.

"My British Tour Diary" ~Of Montreal

"On our trip to England I noticed something obscene
People still actually give a shit about the Queen
Though London girls aren't snobs at all
And Brighton's lovely in the fall
Left alone to drive ourselves on the opposite side
Man, it was a miracle that nobody died
Hanging out with Steven, Drew, Theo, Paul, and Sorrel, too
Eating at Welcome Breaks daily
We danced in Leeds with Brit Pop Haley

Performing with the Apples
And then crashing at the Wrights
Bitching because Steven booked us
On such early flights
Always in a foggy haze
Because we hadn't slept for days
Every single one of our London cabbies played
The most truly repellent techno music ever made
But they'll drop you without hesitation
If you try changing the station

Up to our necks in crisps and litter
In the van we dubbed the Gary Glitter ."

"Heimdalsgate Like a Promethean Curse" ~Of Montreal

This reminds me so much of psychology, and all the chemicals in your brain! :D Also, my AP psych teacher -would- probably play this since his favourite band is Of Montreal. The do do do do part makes me smile! And want to dance (although I really can't).

"I'm in a crisis
I need help
Come on mood shift, shift back to good again
Come on mood shift, shift back to good again
Come on, be a friend

Nina Twin is trying to help, and I
Really hope that she succeeds
Though I picked the thorny path myself
I'm afraid, afraid of where it leads

Chemicals, don't strangle my pen
Chemicals, don't make me sick again
I'm always so dubious of your intent
Like I can't afford to replace what you've spent

Nina Twin is trying to help, and I
Really hope she gets me straight
Because my own inner cosmology
Has become too dense to navigate

I'm in a crisis
I need help
Come on mood shift, shift back to good again
Come on mood shift, shift back to good again
Come on, be a friend

Chemicals, don't flatten my mind
Chemicals, don't mess me up this time
Know you bait me way more than you should
And it's just like you to hurt me when I'm feeling good

Come on chemicals."

And on a completely random note, I FINALLY figured out how to pronounce "Nietzsche!"

Catts and myce.

(An old picture taken at a photo shoot with my friend; I think we were trying to capture a shot with the spider web... hmm!)

"WAIT. They don't love you like I love you."

It's TWLOHA Day! (To Write Love On Her Arms Day)
Cat was the only one who did, I don't think alot of people remembered...
I want a t-shirt like that :3

Being immersed in a world of crazy talking animals (Animal Farm),
Panicking over how to be a good presiding officer for debate,
Figuring out how the heck to do the physics & AP chem webassign,
Listening to Noah and the Whale/The Yeah Yeah Yeahs,
Daydreaming about Thanksgiving break,
Hoping for a surprise visit [fingers crossed!],
Maybe I'm actually starting to like square brackets,
And looking forward to "secret phone calls."

Yes; yes; definitely.
Today was pretty good for Friday the 13th.
But then again I'm not too superstitious x)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Let the wild rumpus start!!

I listened to the entire Origin of Symmetry album today. Straight-through. Gaaah my brain hurts... although it's Muse. It's too much, all at once!! I made it all the way through... I had to skip to the end of "Micro Cuts" though...

EDIT: After listening through about 4x and looking up the lyrics to several songs (I can't understand anything Matt is saying in Micro Cuts), I think it's quite a nice album now...
Even "Micro Cuts." It's much better when you find out the lyrical content and what the song's actually about! :p It's alot darker and aLOT of distortion and stuff...I like "Citizen Erased"... :)

"For one moment
I wish you'd hold your stage
With no feelings at all
Open minded
I'm sure I used to be so free."

"Screenager" ~Muse

"Who's so phony and always surrounded
Stop your screaming, no one can hear
All the scars on your skin, post no bills

Who you were
Was so beautiful
Remember who... who you were

Hide from the mirror, the cracks and the memories
Hide from your family, they won't know you now
For all the holes in our souls host no thrills

Who you were
Was so beautiful
Memories who... who you were."

The intro is really creepy. Joy showed me this song awhile back. It's quite sad and beautiful...

On a different note, I LOVE the Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack!! So so good. I must see the movie.

"1, 2 ready, go!!

Grow some big feet, holes in history

Is where you'll find me, is where you'll find
All is Love, is love, is love, is love

L.O.V.E, it's a mystery
Where you’ll find me, where you’ll find
All is love, is love, is love, is love."

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dying to be thin

WARNING: There's one "disturbing" photo at the end... you've been warned!


^I want to see the documentary soooo badly...!!!)

(One of my favourites!!)

Main Entry: an·orex·ia
Pronunciation: \ˌa-nə-ˈrek-sē-ə, -ˈrek-shə\
Function: noun
Etymology: New Latin, from Greek, from a- + orexis appetite, from oregein
Date: 1598

1 : loss of appetite especially when prolonged
2 : anorexia nervosa

Back into a binge of anorexia and eating disorder books.
It's addictive, really.
Once you start, it's like down the rabbit hole, and you can't stop.
By the way, Alice is popping up everywhere! I love it.
I watched Phoebe in Wonderland recently, and right from the beginning I knew I was going to LOVE it. It can only be compared to Marie Antoinette in terms of prettyness :D
So in "Wasted" (this biography of an anorexic), the author clips in quotes from Alice in Wonderland. It's quite good so far, and I think it's supposed to be the quintessential anorexia biography book? Ish?

Music playing in my world...

["Your Song" ~Moulin Rouge soundtrack
"All Is Love" ~Where The Wild Things Are soundtrack
"Courage" and "Beauty From Pain" ~Superchick
"First Days Of Spring" ~Noah and the Whale
"Fix You" ~Coldplay (I've been listening to alot of their old stuff... it's quite good.]

I don't know why, but the more I find out about eating disorders, the more I want to try it (my friend says that sounds like trying drugs...). Kind of kidding, of course. But do you ever feel so... self-conscious while reading eating disorder books? I love them anyway... I certainly know eating disorders are very harmful and dangerous, and seriously kills people... Very seriouse mental disorder, anyways. I feel like I'm been researching them since forever (I started in middle school) and know alot about them, but there's always more to read/discover. But... well, I have two anorexics-in-training (jk! they're just naturally skinny!). It annoys me when people call me anorexic though, because I'm obviously NOT. It's easy to neglect eating sometimes, yeaaah...?

Do you ever feel fat?

^From a video campaign against eating disorders... it's quite sad. I have it under my YouTube favourites, I think...