"We're all
I'm mad.
m a d."

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Sunshine, 2:40 pm

^My rainbow stripey sockssss

Thanksgiving break is so short... we should adopt a school system where we had a week of break every other week.

So I had to read some Hawthorne stuff for English, one of the essays being "The Birthmark." It's about this beautiful woman named Georginia who is almost perfect... except she has a tiny hand-shaped birthmark on her face. While some people find it attractive, her husband Aylmer resents it. Aylmer is a scientist and wants to remove the birthmark, so he works in his laboratory for days to produce a potion for her. And at the end [of course it's gonna be depressing], Georginia drinks the potion and her birthmark fades! You'd think, "Yay, all's well that ends well", right? Aylmer is absolutely estatic because he'd finally achieved this feat [and the potion is also like the Elixir of Immorality], but then Georginia dies because the birthmark is like... connecting her spirit to her almost-perfect body? And she dies at the end.

Yesterday my friends came over and we played Monopoly for about 3 hours straight. Too bad my friend started monopolising everything [I FINALLY understand why it's called Monopoly; you're supposed to buy all the properties and have a monopoly on the utilies, railroads, etc!!!] and owned a whole side of the board, complete with little hotels. Making us all go bankrupt, basically! But then Amy and I [aha, the Amy side of the board] formed an alliance to own an entire side too! And now I can't stop calling "Boardwalk" Broadway, 'cause my friend kept saying that... now that space is covered with glitter and pizazz!

Fun, fun.
First time ever this Thanksgiving, we all woke up at 4:30 am to go Black Friday shopping.
It's ridiculous[ly fun!].
Like you're driving when everything's dark and then you're so hyper 'cause you barely slept but it's so exciting anyways!

I finally found a box of brand-new crayons that I think I'll use to make rainbow crayon cupcakes or something :D

I really want to write something, or make something amazing but I have no ideas...
High School Diplomats applications are due JANUARY 7, and I have no ideas on what to draw for my collage!!!!!!
I feel like I've lost all my drawing skills, I only make doodles and stuff now...
Maybe I can make an altered book, like the Alice in Wonderland one.
I wish I was in Art 3.

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